Natural attractions

Sava Bohinjka river

The Sava Bohinjka river springs as the Savica waterfall and soon flows into Lake Bohinj. On the other side of the lake it starts to flow through Soteska to Radovljica, where it merges with the Sava Dolinka river and forms the main Slovenian river, the Sava river.

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Rock of Iglica

Zgornja Vas lies underneath the overhanging rock of Iglica, mostly renowned by the climbing area "Stara Bela". This area belongs to the top quality climbing areas in Slovenia, and rightly so.

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The "Iglica" waterfall

Hidden between the rock cliffs offers a splendid view of the surrounding area.

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Babji zob (1.128 m)

The summit of Babji Zob (Hag's tooth) was named after the distinctive rock, provocatively jutting out of its precipitous cliff. It is one of the most picturesque peaks of the Jelovica plateau and it can be seen both from the mountains surrounding Bohinj, as well as from the slopes of the Karavanke Range and the Bled-Radovljica valley.

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Cave under Babji zob

On the northwestern edge of the Jelovica plateau, a 300 metre cliff rises above the valley of Sava Bohinjka and the villages of Bohinjska Bela and Kupljenik. In the middle of that cliff, a sharp and picturesque rock, called Babji Zob (Hag's tooth), rises to the sky. In the vicinity of that rock, at an altitude of 1008 metres above sea level, the entrance to a cave awaits. The 300 odd metres of underground gallery are decorated by dripstone formations, among which calcite crystals can be seen. Helectites, the snail-shaped dripstones, are particularly valuable, as they are very rare in Slovenia, as well as elsewhere.

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Galetovec (1.265 m)

Galetovec is quite an unexpressive peak on the Pokljuka plateau. However, because of its 500 m precipitous cliff and safe ascent, not to mention the incredible view over the valley, it has been a popular destination of shorter and longer trips for years. The view opens suddenly and unexpectedly and reaches all the way from Jesenice to Kranj. On the right side, the mountains of Bohinj are nicely visible, with Bohinjska Bela and Bled deep beneath and the Babji Zob cliff on the opposite side which continues into the dark forests of Jelovica. The splendid view is concluded by the mighty barrier, which consists of Karavanke Range and highlands of Kamnik. 

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Široka peč

Široka peš is a small cliff, located opposite the railway station. The path is not very difficult, only half an hour's walk, offers beautiful views over the village and its hinterland.

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Gradišče is a small hill above the village Kupljenik.

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Mlina peč

Mlina peč is a small hill above the village. The trail is short , while not overly difficult , but nevertheless offers a beautiful view of the village center and the slopes of plateau Jelovica.

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Cultural attractions

Bohinj Railway

The Bohinj Railway (Slovene: Bohinjska proga, Italian: Transalpina, German: Wocheiner Bahn) is a railway in Slovenia and Italy. It connects Jesenice in Slovenia with Trieste in Italy. It was built by Austria - Hungary from 1900 to 1906 as a part of a new strategic railway, the Neue Alpenbahnen, that would connect Western Austria and Southern Germany with the then Austro-Hungarian port of Trieste. The line starts in Jesenice, at the Southern end of the Karawank Tunnel; it then crosses the Julian Alps through the Bohinj Tunnel, and passes the border town of Nova Gorica before crossing the Italian border and reaching Trieste.

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Bohinjska Bela

The village is due to the susceptibility of the population to the cultural heritage, preserved many elements from the past. 

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The local community of Bohinjska Bela also comprises Kupljenik, which is situated on the right side of the river Sava Bohinjka on the slopes of Jelovica over Baba.

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Dry stone walls

Dry walls consist of stones which are stacked into the wall without use of mortar, concrete
or other binding agent. After uprooting trees and bushes on a particular plot of land, a lot
of stones remained, which hindered plowing or mowing. Therefore, the farmers dug up
and gathered the stones and used them to make a dry stone wall on the border of the plot,
which, if properly built, will last a long time.

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Monument to the victims of the First World War

The monument was erected in 1926. It was designed by the architect Ivan Vurnik from
Radovljica and carved by the stonemason Alojzij Vurnik. The monument was blessed on 15
August 15 by the priest Martin Drolc.

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Monument to the victims of the Second World War

The monument at the school is dedicated to fallen fighters and activists in World War II. It
was designed in the shape of an obelisk by the architect Anton Bitenc and made by the
Ljubljana stonecutters.                                                              

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Wood architecture

Farmhouses were generally built of stone, while wood was normally used to make auxiliary
buildings for individual farms. Depending on their purpose of use and location, the
following types of wooden structures can be identified: barns, hayracks and haylofts.

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Archaeological remains of Villa Rustica

Archaeological research in the church of St. Margaret. 

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Dry stone walls in Kupljenik

Dry walls consist of stones which are stacked into the wall without use of mortar, concrete
or other binding agent. After uprooting trees and bushes on a particular plot of land, a lot
of stones remained, which hindered plowing or mowing. Therefore, the farmers dug up
and gathered the stones and used them to make a dry stone wall on the border of the plot,
which, if properly built, will last a long time.

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Religious heritage

The church of St. Margaret

On the edge of the village stands St. Margaret's parish church, which was originally built in the Renaissance style (at the beginning of the 17th century), but was baroqueised a century later. Anton Jebačin contributed the wall paintings in 1907.

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St. Stephen's Parish Church

The church is located in the centre of the village. An old pilgrimage path leads to the medieval Gothic church. Pilgrims come from Bled and the surroundings for various religious holidays: St. Stephen (26th December), who is the patron saint of horses and transporters, St. Lawrence (10th August), St. Valentine (7th January), and the May procession prayer.

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Sacred monuments

Shrines are small sacral structures that are frequently located at crossroads. Although they
are similar in appearance from the outside, they differ in purpose and their patron.

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Sacred monuments in Kupljenik

Shrines are small sacral structures that are frequently located at crossroads. Although they
are similar in appearance from the outside, they differ in purpose and their patron.

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Architectural heritage

Pr' Kacon

Hiša s hišnim imenom »Pr Kacon« je med najstarejšimi hišami v vasi, saj urbar iz leta 1253 navaja 5 kmetij v Spodnji vasi, Kaconova pa nosi številko 6, ki je vklesana v Kamniti portal iz tufa. Kot vse že obstoječe hiše je bila postavljena na ravnino ob potoku Belca, saj je bilo zelo pomembno, da je bil vodni vir pomemben za življenje na dosegu roke.

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Pr' Petric

Ime »Pr Petric« izhaja iz zgodovinskih virov Bohinjske Bele in je pridobila ime po Petričevih, ki so od leta 1819 lastniki domačije. Prva omemba kmetije sega v 15. stoletje, kar priča o bogati zgodovini tega kraja.

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Pr' Megvu

Slike in opis delovanja črne kuhinje so iz Mgvove hiše in za to gre posebna zahvala Mgvovi Mateji, ki še vedno uporablja črno kuhinjo za sušenje mesa in peko kruha in ostalih dobrot.

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Pr' Obrnek

Nekdaj je bila prva hiša na vhodu v vas z blejske strani. Zaradi svoje lege daje slutiti, da bi bila lahko tudi časovno prva belska vaška hiša. Ko so dobile hiše konec leta 1770 zaporedne številke je hiša Matevža Graclja, zadnjega tega priimka (leta 1809 se je nabrž iz Studenčic priženil Mulej), dobila ševilko 2. Na fotografiji Helena Mulej poročena Peternelj.

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